Monday, April 4, 2011

What to do with all that wonderful art and school work your child brings home!

You'll never have to throw away another piece 
  of their hard work again!                                                      

   We love them so much. We truly wish we could keep every little piece of art work and school work they bring home! Unless you have a room in your house dedicated to store all your children's work,  this is impossible. You just end up sifting through all of it trying to decided which to keep and which to throw away. I have one word for you......SCANNER! Take all the precious work they are so proud of and scan it! It's free, easy, saves you space and you will be able to keep it forever.    
One day I went through a box of "treasures" (art/school work) I had been saving of my sons to make room for more. I threw at least half the box away in the trash and my son found it. He was so hurt and upset that I would throw away his hard work. This is when I decided to start scanning it all. 

Things to do with it once it's uploaded

  • Upload it to a web-based photo sharing and photo printing service (I personally use snapfish) and print out pictures of the work to keep in his/her very own scrap book or photo flip book.
  • Upload it to snapfish and make a photo book. They will love having their very own book displaying all their hard work. You can add titles, dates and comments to each page.
  • Keep it all organized in folders on your computer categorized  by year, date, theme, or special occasion (Christmas, Mothers day, Easter)
  You won't have to part with any of the memories and he/she will always be able to go back and see and the awesome stuff they've done!

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